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Dagens namn: Sam, Samuel

New general election after budget crisis

Publicerad 2014-12-03

Sweden is to hold new general elections in March next year, prime minister Stefan Löfven (S) and education minister Gustav Fridolin (MP) announced at a press conference.
– We have formed a government, we have a budget, we are ready to go to election, says prime minister Löfven.

After failing to get the government suggested budget approved in the Swedish parliament this afternoon, Swedish prime minister Stefan Löfven from the Social Democratic Party held a press conference with education minister Gustav Fridolin, from the Green Party.

There, they announced that the government will proclaim new general elections.

The election will be held on March 22 next year.

– We want to give the voters a new possibility to take stand in this new situation, said prime minister Stefan Löfven.

Yesterday the nationalist Sweden Democratic party announced it would support the budget suggested by the opposition parties. After voting in the parliament, it was clear that the government suggested budget had fallen.

– We regret that the Sweden Democracts have driven a political crisis, and that the opposition alliance refuse to cooperate, said Gustav Fridolin.

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