Här är hela Hillary Clintons hälsning

Publicerad 2012-06-06

I går publicerade Hillary Clinton ett brev på amerikanska statens hemsida inför svenska nationaldagen.

Här är hela brevet på engelska:

"On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of Sweden as you celebrate your National Day this June 6th.

On Sunday during my visit to Stockholm, I experienced firsthand the hospitality and warmth of the Swedish people. I discussed a wide range of important global issues and reaffirmed our shared values and interests. From its long-term investment in Afghanistan to its role as a global peacemaker, Sweden continues to play a vital leadership role on the international stage. The United States is committed to this partnership and we are grateful for the important contributions Sweden makes to international development and sustainability.

As you observe the 100th anniversary of the birth of Raoul Wallenberg this year, know that our common democratic values – the values Wallenberg dedicated his life to defending – form the cornerstone of the longstanding ties between our two peoples. Together, we will continue to work toward building a more peaceful and prosperous world."