Här är chatten med Daniel Negreanu

Uppdaterad 2011-03-11 | Publicerad 2008-02-20

KÖPENHAMN. Här är dagens chat med Daniel Negreanu. Senare läggs en översatt version av chatten upp här på Aftonbladets pokersajt. När det står ”säger” utan namn framför kan det bero på att många ställt samma fråga.

Moderator säger: Hej och välkomna till chatten med Daniel Negreanu. Ta chansen och ställ din fråga till en av världens största pokerstjärnor. Daniel kommer att svara på engelska, men en översättning av hela chatten kommer att finnas på Aftonbladets pokersida senare idag. Chatten startar om tre minuter.

Moderator säger: Nu startar chatten med Daniel Negreanu.

säger: Vilken är din favorithand?

Daniel Negreanu säger: Ive always been really lucky with 10-7 off auit. I usually make a full house or straight.

säger: What is the most important of the following two, when it comes to playing on the internet? 1. To be able at all times know your odds. 2. To be have correct read on your opponents?

Daniel Negreanu säger: I think its hard to say between the two. Im not the best online player, but I have learned that its importantt o try and define your opponents hand more online than I would live. Having said that, I still think focusing on the fundamentals is probably more important online, and reading opponents is more important live.

säger: Varför spelar så många med solglasögon?

Daniel Negreanu säger: Personally I think its a sign of fear when people where sunglasses. I think they believe that they can hide when they wear them, but I actually find more tells from people who wear sunglasses than those that dont. I think we should all act like men (and women) and play the game straight up. No sunglasses no masks, no hiding.

Lac säger: Hur undviker man att bli utdragen då motspelaren trycker sina märker på flopp med färgdrag? Båda har mycket marker och jag har topp par eller 2par?

Daniel Negreanu säger: Good question. If you are playing in a game with deeper stacks you can play marginal hands like that on the flop a little more carefully, and instead look to put the pressure on when the turn comes, that way he only has one card to try and beat you. Top pair isnt all that great when you play a huge pot, so I would advise being a little careful with those hands, unless you chips are short, ir your opponent is short on chips.

säger: Vem vinner EPT i Köpenhamn?

Daniel Negreanu säger: If I knew I would be psychic! I cant say who will win this tournament, but I can say that I have a good feeling that I know who will win in Monte Carlo. Might be a good looking Canadian guy lol

säger: Hur länge har du levt på pokern?

Daniel Negreanu säger: I started playing when I was 17 and by the time I was 18 I was pretty much playing for a living. So that makes about 15 years.

Simon säger: Hi Daniel! Do you have many friends that doesn´t play poker? And I think you are one of the best players in the world, and the funniest to see on tv. I really enjoy watching your gambling-style.

Daniel Negreanu säger: Actually no, not really. Most all of my friends either play for a living or play occasionally. My closest friends are guys you never would have heard of and I used to play limit holdem with them back in Canada. They live in Vegas now and still play limit. I see them all the time.

Daniel Negreanu säger: Actually no, not really. Most all of my friends either play for a living or play occasionally. My closest friends are guys you never would have heard of and I used to play limit holdem with them back in Canada. They live in Vegas now and still play limit. I see them all the time.

Erra säger: Somehow I believe you are a big hockey fan, is that true? Please, do tell me/us a little bit about it. Thank you!

Daniel Negreanu säger: I am a huge hockey fan and am in the most intense fantasy league ever created callled www.alternativehockeyleague.com. My best player is Olli Jokinen and I have a very strong team. Ive been in the league for 10 years and its jut like running areal team. I actually enjoy that hockey pool more than any other hobby

Boris säger: Vilken är den svåraste handen att spela tycker du?

Daniel Negreanu säger: I think there are two hands that are equally tough to play because they are strong, but not THAT strong. AQ and JJ cause a lot of problem for people. Personally, I also think playing AK is a problem for most players because they overplay that hand too.

säger: Everyone knows thats you are a world class player in the live world, but whats your overall stats online?

Daniel Negreanu säger: my overall stats arent that good because I am still adjusting to the online game and I usually choose games against the best online players. This year, though, Ive done much better and think that I have figured out a few things that have improved my online game. ive played the 10k buyin heads up showdown on stars 3 times and have won it twice.

Gurkan säger: Name three swedish players that you have a lot of respect for at the table?

Daniel Negreanu säger: Hmmm.... I really like Martin deknijff as a person and also think hes tough to play against. I also found my favorite fisken, William Thorson to be a smart player. The rest are all fisken, lol just kidding

Anfield säger: Hi Daniel, I'm a big fan of your "way of the game". Do you got any tipp to us who are playing in the lower leagues to develope for a chance in the bigger ones?

Daniel Negreanu säger: dont be too concerned with moving up to new limits quickly. before you think abut moving up, make sure you are really doing well at the limits you are playing. Practice, read, learn, and take it seriously if you want to improve quickly

KP-Fan säger: Hi Daniel, how much of your "fame" (and hence economic opportunities and gains) comes from your poker blog? Your blog must be the most famous and longest living on-going of all the pro players. Keep it up my friend (our oppinions are likewise in much like politics, all but religion, atheist here =) )

Daniel Negreanu säger: Go Obama!!! Its hard to say. When I started the blog I had no idea it would become as popular as it did but its a great way for me to share my thoughts on various subjects and also give people a glimpse into the life of a poker player. Since then it seems like everyone has a blog!

Daniel Negreanu säger: Go Obama!!! Its hard to say. When I started the blog I had no idea it would become as popular as it did but its a great way for me to share my thoughts on various subjects and also give people a glimpse into the life of a poker player. Since then it seems like everyone has a blog!

säger: Vad är det mesta du har vunnit på en dag?

Daniel Negreanu säger: In a tournament I won 1.8 million US at the Bellagio 5 diamond in 2004. In a cash game by biggest win isnt all that big, 700k playing 4000+8000 in the big game.

säger: hello daniel... i have a 700 bankroll. what stakes should i play. cashgames and tourney?

Daniel Negreanu säger: I would suggest cash games because you can control the luck much better. tournaments can be swingy, in that, you can go on extended cold streaks and that can kill you. With cash games its more steady. What limits depends on your level of skill and your comfort level. Id hate to give you an exact limit because I could be dead wrong. I will say that 50+100 is probably too high though! lol.

Moderator säger: Tiden är snart slut. Vi tar tre avslutande frågor.

säger: hur resonerar en proffs en giv jämnfört med hur en amatör gör?

Daniel Negreanu säger: I would say the biggest difference with a pro is that when they play big pots they rise to the occasion and will usually make the right decision. Amateurs get confused more in those situations and probably call too much.

Bestpoker säger: Vem är den bästa cash game spelaren enligt dig?

Daniel Negreanu säger: Chip Reese, RIP. With him passing away I think Phil Ivey has taken over as the king in that area. Of course Im not talking about just holdem, Im talking about real poker.

AndreasRRR säger: Do you always play high stakes cash game or do you sometimes sit and play with the “common” people just for fun?

Daniel Negreanu säger: at PokerStars sometimes I will play micro limits or small buy in tournaments. Thing is, when I do that, the observer chat usually gets a little bit crazy.

Moderator säger: Vi tackar Daniel för att han tog sig tid och tackar alla som besökt chatten.

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