”Jag ska vinna EPT-finalen”

Uppdaterad 2011-03-08 | Publicerad 2007-03-27

Läs chattsammandraget med Greg Raymer

Moderator säger: Då startar vi chatten med Greg Raymer

coffe säger: hi i undred how much you play on internet and you play only texas? or omaha??

Greg Raymer säger: actually, holdem is one of my least favorite games. I prefer stud hilo, omaha hilo, triple draw lowball, and badugi.

Thomas säger: Which is your favorite starthand in hold'em?

Greg Raymer säger: though i can't play badugi online, unfortunately

Greg Raymer säger: AA, of course

mic säger: Which playstyle in poker would you say is the most effective overall?

Greg Raymer säger: tight and aggressive; loose and aggressive players have their days where they look like geniuses, and win a lot, but in they also spend a lot of time looking like donkeys, and losing big

Joker säger: Who learned you to play poker?

Greg Raymer säger: i am self taught mostly, though i give a lot of credit to several poker books, especially those by two plus two publishing

Jon säger: Hello!! Did you read many books to become just as good that you are now! My self think that ur the best one! :D

Greg Raymer säger: thanks jon. i have read many poker books

Thomas säger: Hi Greg! I'm a novice about poker and i have recently started to read a book written by Phil Hellmuth. Great book and i've learned a lot since i started reading it. He claims that the winning strategy is to only play the "top-ten-hands". What is your opinion, do you only play them or are you less tight than that? I wish you all luck in the EPT!

Greg Raymer säger: i highly recommend reading books and participating in poker chat sites to improve your game

Micke säger: Hello, who do you think is the best swedish poker player(S)?

Greg Raymer säger: no stratgey as simple as playing just top 10 hands will be sufficient to be a great player

Greg Raymer säger: as for the best swedish player

Greg Raymer säger: i don't know, there are many great ones

P.B säger: who will win the EPT-finals?

Greg Raymer säger: me

Greg Raymer säger: i hope

Beek säger: R U planning to write a book?

Greg Raymer säger: i have been (slowly) working on one since i won; it is not even close yet; i am very lazy and very busy, not a good combination

HaFFe säger: what is the biggest tournement you have won?

Greg Raymer säger: 2004 WSOP for 5 million; next biggest win is only 300 thousand

Harry säger: Whos the best cashgame player online and live.

Greg Raymer säger: i don't know. nobody knows who is the best, as there are just too many great players for anyone to play with all of them enough to have a valid opinion on all of them

Eugen C säger: Hi Greg! At what stakes do you play your cashgames?

Greg Raymer säger: on pokerstars, i often play 30-60 limit games (stud hilo, omaha hilo, triple draw), as well as 25,50 blinds no limit holdem and pot limit omaha. when playing live, i usually play limit mixed games, multiple games played in rotation, for stakes from 100-200 up to 400-800

andy säger: Hi, Greg! What is your best tip to play A-A. I don}t feel comfortable when I get them...G}luck in the future //Andy

Greg Raymer säger: AA can be hard to play, as many people tend to slowplay them preflop, but them overplay them postflop.

Pelle säger: Hi i just wonder if you heard of what happend in sweden this week when the police stopped the bigget live tournaament in sweden. and if you did what do you think of that?

Greg Raymer säger: if you don't have a set, it is only 1 pair

Greg Raymer säger: i didn't know about the police problem in sweden

Kraugejaveln säger: Will we ever see you at the TV-show High stakes poker?

Greg Raymer säger: probably not; you need to be willing to risk at least 250K to play in that game, and I don't want to risk that much money to play against tough players, just to be on a tv show on a small network

weddie säger: Hi greg, im young and still learning, i}ve won some and loose som(big money for me). how do I reduce my looses?

Greg Raymer säger: however well you play now, the more you learn to play better, the less you will lose; but losing is always a part of this game, no matter how good you are

hiiike säger: Is it true that you got your Pokerstars account hacked? And how do you think that pokersite's can protect the customers better from being hacked. My advice to sites is to work out a solution like internet banks have, with a "secure id-card" etc. What do you think about that?

Greg Raymer säger: sorry for delay, lost connection, answer coming

Greg Raymer säger: i had a foolishly weak password, and somebody guessed it after making many attempts. pokerstars is putting out a new security protocol soon, and is working on many further improvements for everybody's higher security

trio säger: Hi greg, Do you think you will ever stop playing poker?

Greg Raymer säger: no

taichman säger: How much do you earn in a average month?

Greg Raymer säger: sorry, don't like to discuss such things, except with my accountant

Greg Raymer säger: sorry for speed problems, internet connection here has become slow

Viktor säger: Hi Greg, where can i seen you play live at internet? and at what level?Have a nice day

Greg Raymer säger: i only play online at pokerstars, where you can find me with our new feature for finding members of Team pokerstars. to see me live, check out my calendar at www.fossilmanpoker.com, and come to where i am at

Martin säger: How do you prepare for a big tournament? For example, do you go online and play a couple of Heads Up games?

Greg Raymer säger: i don't really prepare in any special way. i just try to make sure i am well rested so i can play well for a long time

Moderator säger: Då tackar vi Greg Raymer och går över till chatten med Joe Hachem

Greg Raymer säger: Thank you very much!

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