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Dagens namn: Mikael, Mikaela

"Ekonimin och miljön är valets viktigaste frågor"

Uppdaterad 2011-03-11 | Publicerad 2008-10-07

Familjen Pinkowitz chattade med aftonbladet.se:s läsare

Familjen Pinkowitz.

Moderator säger: Welcome to Aftonbladets chat with Susan and Ted Pinkowitz!
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Hello from Susan and Ted
Maria säger: Hi, What's the most important question in the election for your family?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: The economy and the environment
Axel Hansson säger: Hello there Pinkowitz! I'm wondering how your lives has changed recently with the economical crisis?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: It hasn't affected our lifestyle yet, but investments have taken a hit - declined.
Lis säger: You seem to be a lovely family! Do you discuss financial issues with the children? How do you discuss with or explain to them how political changes may affect a family budget?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Our children are 4 and 6 years old and they do not yet understand the value of money. We are in the process of teaching them how to count different denominations and the value of money. It is a process!
Jaxell säger: Hello. It seems like the word to get peoples attention in the states are "taxes", especially if it is preceeded by the word "lower". Why are people so afraid to pay taxes in the united states, taxes build strong nations with happy citizens.
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: People in the US do not trust their government to spend their money wisely. - Ted I think people are ok with paying some taxes - but they are fearful of them going very, very high. I don't think Obama will make them much higher for the average citizen. Susan
Christian L. säger: Dear family Pinkowitz, what is your current opinion about George W. Bush and what do you think about his 8 years in the White House?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted here: I am very embarrassed that Bush is, and has been our president. I believe he has presided over the decline in american prestige and power. Susan - Remeber - Al Gore really won 8 years ago and our nation would be a VERY different nation and in a very different position if he had been president.
Tafa säger: Do you think that the republics are responsible for this economical crises ?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: I think there are many issues involved in this crisis, but certainly Republicans have deregulated the financial market and running up huge deficits have contributed greatly. Susan: by the way - on the last question...Please tell me that many of you Swedes know that MANY of us Americans are not what George Bush and his administration have represented as America.
Kjele säger: What are happen you family in the future if the economical crisis continue? Can you still be lving in you house?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: If this crisis deepens into a severe depression, then we will probably experience a change in lifestyle. Otherwise, we will have to simply cut back on our expenses.
Mingebag säger: i got a few questions. What is your position in the Iraq and Afghanistan war? Do you want the coalition forces to be sent back home? and do you like the opportunity to finally have a black president? =)
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: Pull out of Iraq. Finish fighting the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and yes, I am looking forward to having a black president. Next, a woman -- democrat of course. Susan: Yes, I hope we can pull out - however, I feel for the people of Iraq, as I think we have left them in a prime situaiton for further civil war. I think that some kind of force needs to help the people of Iraq and Afghanistan - but I don't know how big or where the force comes from. Susan
Philip säger: Who were you rooting for in the primary election, Obama or Clinton, and why?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: We supported Obama because Clinton has a lot of past history that would make it difficult for her to be elected. I think she would make a very good president. Obama represents real change, Clinton did not. Susan: It would have been great to have a woman run this country finally. However, I knew from talking to moderate friends that she couldn't win. So, Obama was the one I knew I had to support. ps my 4 year old wants to vote for Bill Clinton for some reason.
Mississippi-beau säger: Are Americans aware of the support that Obama is getting in Europe, and elsewhere outside the U.S.?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Yes we are, but he cannot use it to his advantage. The opposition would use this to attack him.
Mattias säger: Would you like the voting system with electors changed to another system where the popular vote counts?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: I do not know enough to give a definitive answer. There are advantages to both.
Michael säger: Dear Mr and Mrs Pinkowitz. How much does health insurance approx. cost for a family in US in a year? Do you think Mr Obama would make this cost lower?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: At least $12,000USD to $20,000USD and that is after taxes. He would not cut the cost, but would make sure that everyone has insurance. Right now, approximately 25 percent of US does not have insurance. however - please note that 11 million illegal immigrant can go to a hospital and receive free care as hospital cannot always collect and are not allowed to refuse anyone.
Johanna säger: Hello. I wonder how the general attitude towards Russia and Russians are in your town? Has it somehow changed since the Soviet Union, has it become more negative/positive? Do you see Russian Federation as a threat? Thank you.
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Susan: Well, the way that Sarah Palin presents it, is not the way I feel. I think that Russia is flexing its strong arm, but I am not sure that I feel more of a threat from them. I think there are other countries that are more anti-american than Russia. Ted: I think the US policy towards Russia under Bush has been very antagonistic. I do think russia would respond positively to engagement with the US. I think most people in Denver probably also believe this to be true.
säger: Axel:how is your feelings regarding legal abortions and Sarah Palins strong statements in this question that you should always choose life??
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Susan: The majority of Americans are pro-choice. Sarah P. has had NO affect on our opinion, except to reinforce our support of choice. I want to say one other thing. There are 2 possible Supreme Court Judge nominations up for appointment under the next President. It is VERY important that we have Barack Obama as president instead of McCain who has publically stated that he is for ending Roe-v-Wade which guarantees a woman's right ot choose.
Erik säger: What do you think about FoxNews?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Never watch it!!
JR EWING säger: Is the oil price an question in the election for your family?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: I hope oil prices continue to rise so that the urgency for renewable energy will be greater.
123 säger: Is the American people prepared to pay for environment when it comes down to carbon oxide and pollution caused by car transportation ?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Susan: some are, some are not. It depends how environmentally concerned they are. Ted: not sure what you mean by "pay"? They probably will not want to make big sacrifices until they absolutely have to.
Maria säger: Hi, How important is it for you that the next presiden of the USA is a christian? Would it be possible for you to elect an non christian president?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: I want the next president to be an atheist! Susan: I would like all religion OUT of politics!!!!
Axel säger: Joe Biden, will he be a good vp? or would you have select Clinton?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: The problem with Clinton is that Bill would also be a factor, which can cause problems. I like Biden very much and have admired his politics for many years. Susan: Biden was a good solid choice and a good balance for Barack.
Chris säger: A few friends I know from various locations in US has given me the impression that neither candidate is really up for the job,What do you think?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: Both candidates are qualified, it just depends on how you feel about their political perspective. Susan: Obama is smart. All I ask for after the last 8 years is someone smart - (and who thinks like I do - doesn't hurt.) Seriously though, I want someone who can think his way through things and bring in smart people around him.
Moderator säger: We now only have time for two more questions.
fredrik säger: When I discuss the american election here i sweden, I hear many saying that when it comes down to it america is probably not "ready" for a black president yet. What do you think about that? How big role does Obamas skincolor play?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Ted: There are indeed some people who will not vote for Obama because he is black. However, he is going to win this election so it appears that American as a whole is ready to move beyond the race issue.
Moderator säger: This is the last question:
FilleF säger: Would it be wrong to claim that some parts of the christians in America are just as fundamental as the folks Bush has declared war against?
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: Susan: aha - you have hit it on the head. Yes, extremism in ANY religion is dangerous. Ted: I am as wary of the christian fundamentalists in this country as I am of fundamentists anywhere in the world.
Moderator säger: Thank you Susan and Ted for your time! And thanks to all of Aftonbladets readers for your questions.
Familjen Pinkowitz säger: It is our pleasure to share with you all. We hope the economic crisis passes quickly and painlessly. Go Obama!!