”Vi älskar E-Type”

Uppdaterad 2011-03-11 | Publicerad 2009-12-04

Läs hela chatten med Westlife som uppträdde i fredagens "Idol" och är aktuella med skivan "Where We Are".

Westlife säger: hi everyone we are here now (its mark) any questions for me or the other guys_ x

Marcela säger: Welcome back ! How is it to be back again ?

Westlife säger: its great we are more excited than ever and feel younger and fitter than ever!!

Annette säger: Hi guys. How do you like Sweden and what have you all been doing today?

Westlife säger: well we had a little sleep in this morning then we done sound check for idol then we went to nordstan for a signing of our new album WHERE WE ARE and now we are backstage at IDOL!

Li säger: Hallo Westlife. Who do you think gonna winn tonight?

Westlife säger: we are not saure we like all three equally! actually no...WESTLIFE are going to win haha only joking babe

Sara säger: On the new album, which song is the best? and why?

Westlife säger: well we like them all really but heres our favorites...nickys is where we are kians is how to break a heart shanes is reach out and mine is no more heroes x

Dunkan säger: What do you think about andreas carlsson as a songwriter and producer?

Westlife säger: he is an amazing songwriter and he has a beautiful house in los angeles and we were in it during the summer he is a lovely guy

Sandra säger: Is there any producer that you guys havent worked with, but would like to work with?

Westlife säger: we would love to work some more with MAX MARTIN

Mikaela säger: Hi guys! I love you all and your music is great. I wonder if you have any favourite artists that you like from Sweden?//Kiss and Hugs Mikaela

Westlife säger: yes we love etype

elin säger: hello.. What do you think about swedish girls? And kian, you are the most beautiful man i've ever seen.

Westlife säger: swedish girls are just as beautiful as any other countries girls,but I like their quirky personalities! What do you think of Irish boys

kajsa säger: are someone of u singel, and if so..who?

Westlife säger: no we are all attahced

Sara säger: Have you still contact with Brian McFadden?

Westlife säger: sometimes we see brian and talk to him but he lives in australia so not alot x

Joanna säger: Are you guys planing to have a concert here in sweden soon?

Westlife säger: nicky says:the referee who cheated with thierry henry in the ireland vs french world cup match is from sweden and called martin hannsson and does anyone know him!? Because nicky wants you to tell him he smells

Malin säger: next concert in stockholm??

Westlife säger: kian says:his wife is writing a song with sean from the old boyband 5ive today for hewr new band

Westlife säger: yes we are planning concerts for next summer here in sweden and have meeting about them soon

Anna säger: Hi guys! Do you still enjoy the life on the road? I´m looking forward to your performance tonight. xoxo

Westlife säger: shane says:wheres the best club in gothenburg to party tonight?

Westlife säger: life on the road is better than ever! Its so much fun and we always love travelling the world! Sweden is always somewhere we look forward to! :) xx

Moderator säger: Here comes the last question

petra nilsson säger: your best memory off sweden.

Westlife säger: we would like to do a gig in stolkhom and gotenburg if the promoter lets us

Westlife säger: please follow me on twitter @markusfeehily

Linda säger: The best club is Nivå

Westlife säger: i remember when we were making our first album we worked with a company ccalled murlin who are based in Taby outside stolkholm abnd we stayed in the Taby park hotel and the fans used to sleep outside in the snow and we used to bring them some vaten te

Moderator säger: Thanks to Westlife and all of you who wanted to chat

Westlife säger: thank you so much for chatting to us guys remember we love you all and see you on idol tonight and follow me on TWITTER!! @markusfeehily xx

Westlife säger: wooo hoooooooo x