Searching for Sugar Man director Malik Bendjelloul found dead

Uppdaterad 2014-05-14 | Publicerad 2014-05-13

Bendjellouls family now confirms that the director took his own life.

– I can confirm that it was suicide and that he had been suffering from depression for a short period of time, says Maliks brother Johar Bendjelloul to Aftonbladet.

The news about the swedish directors death was met with shock and grief by his friends and colleagues the world over. And all of them shared the same question: Why?

– Life isn't always easy. I was with him all the time towards the end, says brother and radio journalist Johar Bendjelloul.

The family has now decided to go public with the cause of death for Malik Bendjelloul - at the same time asking to be left alone and to grieve in private.

Johar Bendjelloul received the tragic news about his brothers suicide on Tuesday afternoon.

– That's the worst part. I don't know how to handle this. I just don't know, he says.